
postheadericon Gardner Bender GVD-3504A Circuit Alert Non-Contact Voltage Tester

Buy Gardner Bender GVD-3504A Circuit Alert Non-Contact Voltage Tester Online

Struggling to find Gardner Bender GVD-3504A Circuit Alert Non-Contact Voltage Tester? This site has the very best choice of ItemTitle. Get the top-quality for Gardner Bender GVD-3504A Circuit Alert Non-Contact Voltage Tester to your house through Discount and Fast Shipping on qualify products.

Gardner Bender GVD-3504A Circuit Alert Non-Contact Voltage Tester Specification

  • A convenient tester that indicates the presence of AC Voltage from 50-600 Volts
  • Easy-to-understand visual (flashing) and audible (beeping) indicators
  • Built-in "safe test" feature assures batteries are operating properly
  • UL Listed
  • 1-year limited manufacturer's warranty

Gardner Bender GVD-3504A Circuit Alert Non-Contact Voltage Tester Overview

"CIRCUIT ALERT TM NON CONTACT VOLTAGE DETECTORIndicates the presence of AC voltage from 50-600V. Visual (flashing) and audible (beeping) indicators signal presence of voltage, by pressing pocket clip. Built in safe test feature assures batteries are operating properly. Compact design fits in shirt pocket. Operates from 2-LR44 1.5 volt batteries (included) Patented."

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