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Reliance Controls THP103 AmWatt Generator Appliance Wattage/Amps Load Tester

Seeking Reliance Controls THP103 AmWatt Generator Appliance Wattage/Amps Load Tester? Our company has the ideal selection of ItemTitle. Get the top-quality about Reliance Controls THP103 AmWatt Generator Appliance Wattage/Amps Load Tester to your property through Great Deal and Fast Shipping on qualify products.

Reliance Controls THP103 AmWatt Generator Appliance Wattage/Amps Load Tester
Simple plug-in tester gives quick, accurate digital readouts of Watts or Amps for refrigerators, dehumidifiers, space heaters, microwaves, holiday lighting, coffeemakers, hair dryers and more. Essential for calculating power needs for home transfer switches and emergency generator needs. Easy to use: First, plug appliance or light into AmWatt. Second, plug the AmWatt into any 15A electrical outlet. Then just turn ON the appliance or light. Application: Appliances, Measures: Watts or Amps, Display Shows: Digital readout

Reliance Controls THP103 AmWatt Generator Appliance Wattage/Amps Load Tester

  • Accurate digital readout from 1 to 15 amps and 125 to 1875 watts
  • Easy slide-switch action instantly converts between Amps and Watts
  • Long 26-inch cord reaches to remote electrical outlets.
  • Only tester of its kind that gives a quick digital readout of Amps or Watts used by any plug-in appliance.
  • Perfect for choosing the correct portable generator to purchase.

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